As beautiful as it is meaningful! Our Heart Necklace in Gold Plating is the perfect choice thanks to four lovely interlocked circles, each customized with the name or word of your choice. Our artisans complete your unique piece with a classic capital font, creating an accessory that’s one of a kind.
How we Deliver?
Your Order Will be Delivered in 4-7 Days after Confirmation on Call, Once Placed on Website.We deliver using Leopards and Trax Logistics. Trax Logistics delivers your packages Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM and may require signature. Thus, we advise you to select a delivery address where you will be present at time of delivery.
Return Policy
We believe in your trust. That's why our products cover under 1 year any damage warranty. (Colour/Quality/Spelling/Wrong Order)-Please contact our customer service representatives at Instagram or Whatsapp to request return authorization.